My American Family


Happy Birthday,Koichi,
If my memory serves me correctly, you are 58 years old. Am I right ? That's pretty old.
I hope you and your family are all well. We celebrated Ashley's 17th birthday and Gary's birthday this past Sunday at Michael's. Had fun. I love it when my family all gets together.
Steve and Ashley are still living here with me. I enjoy having them here. Ashley has a boyfriend now and his name is Michael. Deb took pictures and I told her to send them to you. Speaking of pictures I just looked "again" at the pictures you sent of Ryunosuke. He is so cute. I bet he is getting big. I really liked the picture of Grandpa holding him.
I'm still baby-sitting. I enjoy it but--------not like I used to. ha !! Guess I'm getting old. I must be old if I have a 58 year old son,right ? I have a male friend that I've been seeing nearly 7 years now. His name is Dick and he is very nice. My family all like him. We are not going to get married but enjoy each others company.
Well,Son, give my love to your family and do write me sometime.
Again, Happy Birthday !!!!!!

I love you,
Mom McCreight

◆Dick(87),Mom Donna(75)

◆Debby(54), Gary(56)

◆John(?), Mike(46)

◆Ashley(17), Steve(41)